You Say Party! We Say Die! - He! She! You! Me! They! We! Us! OK! удобно слушать в mp3 формате с текстом песни, а так же скачка и видео клип.

Песня: He! She! You! Me! They! We! Us! OK!

Добавлено: 2015-08-29

Продолжительность mp3: 02:30

Автор: You Say Party! We Say Die!

Текст этой песни просмотрели: 743

Голосование за песню: 0


Полный список песен автора You Say Party! We Say Die!
Текст этой песни:

He She You Me They We Us Ok!
Couldn't make it, couldn't make it (x4)

Take care, to your backyard
Give it for your follies
Abuse is for the feeling
All saving for the sake of saving
Shake it shake it like you know that you want to
Share with the love of my brothers
For the life and the things that it wants to be
Girl I tell you he's always happy when you need it

Love only cos it's too hard to not (x2)

Throw in your mouth
Spit it out
Throw in your mouth
Scream it out!

Hold it in your chest (x11)
Hold it in your-

He She You Me They We Us Ok!
Couldn't make it, couldn't make it (x3)

He She You Me They We Us Ok!(x2)

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You Say Party! We Say Die! - He! She! You! Me! They! We! Us! Ok!
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